
Cabin fever movie gif
Cabin fever movie gif

cabin fever movie gif

Desperate for help, the hermit comes after the group. Later on that night, they hear a knocking at the door and discover it's the diseased man that Bert shot before. However, once it starts raining, he leaves to take care of his camping equipment and the group retreats into the house. Though he acts a little eccentric, they allow him to join in when he offers them marijuana.

cabin fever movie gif

They soon encounter a local college kid named Grim (Eli Roth) who approaches them with his dog, Dr. That evening, the five kids build a bonfire and share ghost stories with each other. Scared, Bert shoots at him again in order to repel him and runs back to the cabin. By this time, the man's face has become badly rotted. He accidentally shoots the man who discovered the rotting dog in the beginning of the film while hunting whom he mistook for a squirrel. Paul and Karen go for a swim in the lake while Bert goes hunting for squirrels in the woods. When they arrive at the cabin, Jeff and Marcy immediately retire to their bedroom and have sex. The locals standing nearby look at the outsiders in their town with suspicion and scorn. Along the way, they stop at a local convenience store for food where a young boy (Matthew Helms) outside the store bites Paul on the hand. Meanwhile, five college friends, Jeff (Joey Kern), Marcy (Cerina Vincent), Paul (Rider Strong), Karen (Jordan Ladd), and Bert (James DeBello) are driving in a van through rural Alabama on their way to the woods for they have rented a cabin in the woods. After poking it a few times, he pulls the dog up and notices that the dog's flesh is rotted, spurting blood on him in the process. A man (Arie Verveen) is walking in the woods and comes upon a dog that he believes to be sleeping.

Cabin fever movie gif